Join the CLASS Excellence in Teaching and Learning Committee (ETLC) on October 18 for an interactive workshop. This year, the ETLC is considering the president’s call to programs that display “rigor, relevance, and excellence,” particularly in light of the Critical Engagements theme “Fake News: What Do We Know and How Do We Know It?”
Our first workshop describes an assignment in Dr. Rachael Barron-Duncan’s African Art course which tackles the common internet conundrum: the most “relevant” and popular sources often lack rigor and excellence. Looking at the misinformation or complete dearth of information on English-language Wikipedia regarding African visual culture, Dr. Barron-Duncan’s students have set about to supply the expertise needed to curate those pages in an academically responsible way.
Join us to discuss an example of how discipline-based content assignments can build source-analysis and critical-thinking skills. Refreshments will be served.
Please RSVP by October 16 to